Expert Witness / Accommodation Reports


As Expert Witnesses, we prepare accommodation reports for people who have suffered injury or trauma and are seeking compensation through the Courts.

The opinions expressed as an Expert Witness will always be impartial, unbiased and objective in order to be of maximum assistance to the Court.

We comply with the requirements set out in Part 35 of the Civil Procedure Rules and the accompanying Practice Direction. All reports are prepared in accordance with the Code of Practice for Experts.

The High Court of Justice in Northern Ireland Queens Bench Division (Commercial) Practice Direction 1 of 2015 includes the expectation that an expert witness will be suitably accredited.

Grainne O’Hagan, Director with JL O’Hagan & Co, is an associate member of the Academy of Experts and has received training from the Academy of Experts in compliance with Practice Direction 1 above.

In recent years Grainne has prepared Expert Witness Accommodation reports in cases involving:

  • Road traffic accidents
  • Clinical negligence
  • Accidents at work


As Accommodation Experts, we will visit and meet with the Client, a close relative, carer or guardian, in their home to:

    • assess first-hand the scale and nature of their current and future housing needs, including the needs of family and carers
    • assess the suitability of current accommodation to meet those needs
    • advise on adaptations required to make the current home fully accessible

We will produce a survey of the Client’s property for inclusion within the report. It will help demonstrate the challenges they may face in their home.

We will take photographs of the property to assist in the measured survey but also to illustrate points made in the report.


Following the home visit, we will prepare an accommodation report. This report will contain a description of the Client’s needs, using evidence taken from medical, care and occupational therapy reports, as well as evidence gathered during the home visit.

It will contain an assessment of current accommodation to meet the Client’s needs and those of their family and carers.

It will contain recommendations for current and future accommodation needs and where possible, the adaptations needed to make their home fully accessible.

The completed report will be issued to the instructing solicitor.

When instructed we will meet with the opposing teams to generate a Joint Statement for the Courts consideration.


Research into alternative accommodation is also frequently necessary. We can assist in identifying alternative properties and suitable sites for new-build. We can also advise on how these properties can be adapted for future use by a disabled person, their family or care team.

We work with the Client to establish location parameters and we provide descriptions of how each property can be adapted to meet the Client’s special needs.


We can provide Estimates of Cost for adaptations to existing or proposed properties, or for new build dwellings on identified sites.

Design of Accommodation Needs


JL O’Hagan & Co have also been retained by claimants after their case has been settled to design accommodation suited to their specific needs. We are happy to use our expertise to advise on building projects moving forward.